Monday, 9 May 2011

The Time has Arrived!

I wanted to put out a quick word because it's a big week for us let me tell you.  The big 10!  Lots of preparation going on for our Open House on Thursday!  If you're going to be around between 12 Noon and 2:00pm, we would love to have you drop in.  At approximately 12:15pm Shannie Duff, the Acting Mayor of St. John's will be cutting the cake.  We'll have lots of prizes to give away as welll......  If you haven't seen our rooms, this is the perfect opportunity. 

If you can't make it, we understand completely.  In the meantime, if you'd like to feel a part of the celebration, I'll be updating the blog on Friday.   

And then it gets even better.  You're hearing about it here first!  On Friday, May 13th (yes, Friday the 13th) we're making our TV debut.  Check out the NTV news on Friday for "Places to go with Sharon Snow" and you'll be treated to a first hand interview with Bill Mahoney, the owner.  Plus you'll get a great view of the property. 

So, check back with us on Friday for all the details on the Open House.  I'll have pictures and maybe videos too. 

Hope you can join us!

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